Primary 1
I am so delighted to welcome your child into Primary 1.
This stage at primary school is referred to the Foundation Stage. So much of your child's learning will take place through well planned play activities covering the areas of learning and whole curriculum skills and capabilities.
In this classroom we enjoy being creative thinkers, learning to play and cooperate with each other whilst developing our independence. We also love to explore our outdoor world and make great use of our outdoor classroom and our outdoor zones of learning.
Our two topics for this term will be 'Me and My Colourful World' and 'Day and Night.'
Pe days for this term are a Tuesday and Thursday.
Music tuition from Miss Una will take place on a Friday.
As of Monday 16th September the school day will start at 9-10a.m and end at 2.00pm. Afterschool provision is available until 3.00pm, please inform myself if your child is availing of this service.
I look forward to working closely with you over the school year.
Miss Devine
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St Michael's Primary School, Dunnamanagh, 49 Lisnaragh Road, Donemana, Strabane BT82 0QN | Phone: 028 7139 8397